CLICK HERE for this month’s Ensō Circle Events! The Ensō Circle is a global network of educational thought leaders providing weekly events on a wide variety of topics. Learning doesn’t take place only in schools, and schooling doesn’t take place only in classrooms. Members of the Ensō Circle learn byContinue Reading

In the second part of the December 9th, 2020 Introduction to Kairos: Wonders of the Universe, Ensō introduced participants to virtual reality as part of Basecamp Sim Worlds.  Virtual World consultant, Steve Lewis and his team transported Martin Rayala, Ph.D. ,Cory Rayala and Brian Collins 💡 בנימין to a virtual campus called “Olympus”Continue Reading

Students need to have a say in what and how they learn. This is not a new concept. Indeed, John Dewey was advocating for greater student agency 80 years ago when he wrote in Experience and Education that “there is no defect in traditional education greater than its failure toContinue Reading

During this Thanksgiving holiday, I am reminded of the many privileges I have experienced in my life. As a white, middle-class, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied, male American, I grew up with just about as much privilege as is possible. When you add to that educational advantages, the privilege only increases. PartContinue Reading

It was no surprise to my family and friends when I became a teacher. They knew that I always loved school. Looking back on my education, I realize how lucky I was to attend a Montessori kindergarten; an elementary school where I had regular classes in visual art, music, dance,Continue Reading

Our current educational system is perpetuating a growing opportunity gap. Specifically, by teaching to standardized tests rather than seeking ways to inspire our students’ passions, we are further disadvantaging those students whose families or communities do not have the resources to counteract the damage being done in the classroom.  IContinue Reading

Ensō Education Institute offers virtual events nearly every week of the year plus several in-person symposia throughout the year with a network of people from around the world. You can participate in weekly events for $10 each or join Ensō Circle to access them all for $79 for the yearContinue Reading

Former Walt Disney Imagineer, Brian Collins was a featured presenter at the “Education = Storytelling” at the Rosen Centre, Orlando, November 15-16, 2019 and is part of the Planning Team for the Ensō Education Institute. Brian began his fascinating and unique career as a Walt Disney Imagineer, where he helpedContinue Reading